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Company use of a passenger car

As a rule, there are two main options of using a car for the company's needs: 1. The company is the owner of the car or the car is leased 2. A personal car of employee, board member or company owner is used for business purposes Let us consider these situations in more detail.

Tax-free humanitarian aid to Ukraine

If you would like to provide humanitarian aid to Ukraine, you can do it from your company as well. If you donate company money to the organisations listed below, there will be no tax for the company in connection with these donations.

What costs can be paid by the company?

In general, a company's expenses depend on the type of business. If a company owns a restaurant, food expenses are common, but if the company provides IT services, it can't have food expenses. In other words, such expenses would not be considered activity-related and would be taxable. But how do you know which expenses a company can have and which can' t?

How to work with freelancers from other countries?

Nowadays, no one is surprised that companies at any time need foreign employees who can provide their services cheaper and faster than local companies. That is why in recent years more and more electronic services have been ordered by Estonian companies from freelancers all over the world. How to properly deal with them, so that everything is done correctly and there are no additional tax requirements from Estonia?